It is not always easy to decide to seek mental health treatment. However, for many, it is a decision that has changed or even saved their lives. While traditional, in-office therapy remains the default option for those seeking help; online therapy is an increasingly popular option for those in the Boerum Hill, Brooklyn area and beyond.
Online therapy relies on providing patients with a confidential setting in which they may open up about their lives and discuss feelings and experiences without fear of judgment. Everything said or done during online therapy remains confidential. Counseling sessions can be started quickly and easily online. People who need to take care of their mental health but don’t have easy access to resources may find that participating in online treatment is an appropriate alternative because it can be done anywhere.
For us, ensuring safety and well-being is of the utmost importance. When individuals are in the privacy of their own homes or workplaces during therapy sessions, they frequently report feeling more comfortable talking about their issues. People can discuss complex topics without fear of being overheard, making it easier for them to open up about sensitive topics.
Is Online Therapy Dangerous?
Online therapy is proving to be a compelling choice for those seeking to overcome personal mental health obstacles with the help of a licensed therapist. However, while the benefits of convenience, effectiveness, and affordability are apparent, some people have concerns about the security and confidentiality of personal information, which can often prevent people from reaching out for help or communicating with therapists online.
Suppose you are hesitant to attempt online therapy because you are concerned about privacy. In this case, you can rest assured that the process will be the same when you begin online treatment with us as it was when you went to your doctor’s office for the first time to start traditional therapy. Federal law mandates that all healthcare professionals, including licensed internet therapists, adhere to stringent requirements. Boerum Hill, Brooklyn, is included in this requirement. Policies and laws at the state level also guarantee the safety of your information and defend your right to personal privacy.
Security and privacy must take precedence when it comes to any service, just like they do for any other type of business that has moved its operations online in this day and age, such as banking or shopping. Likewise, the providers of online mental health services, such as therapists, are responsible for being aware of patients’ concerns about privacy and always using secure software and applications
Organizations must ensure that they are kept up to date, as this reduces the possibility that individuals’ privacy may be invaded. The vast majority of the most successful online therapy platforms encrypt all communication to shield your data from hackers. Nevertheless, just as with any other kind of online transaction, therapists and patients must be aware of the potential security risks that could affect their private information and data. Some potential security risks are phishing schemes, computer viruses, hackers, insecure software, poor security systems, unsecured Wi-Fi, device theft, and other fraud.
As frightening as these may sound, keep in mind that even in-person therapists will likely log session information online, and that information may also be hacked using these same methods. So before your first virtual session, please speak to us about our confidentiality compliances and how we safely handle your privacy to prevent these types of cyberattacks from occurring.
Duty Of Care
There are some exceptions to the rule that therapists must maintain the confidentiality of their patients’ sessions. A therapist has a duty of care toward their client, regardless of whether the therapy takes place in person or online. If the therapist believes their client poses a risk to themselves or others, they may be obligated to issue a warning or disclose information to third parties.
In Conclusion
Talking to a therapist through the internet can be a beneficial resource when trying to gain a better knowledge of one’s mental health. You should still consider participating in this kind of therapy even if you believe that your mental health is good.
Do not let your concerns about your privacy prevent you from seeking online therapy. Because we want you to feel comfortable chatting openly and taking advantage of the convenience of online sessions, we employ encryption services that are both up-to-date and secure. Please reach out to one of our friendly staff members at ecounselingbrooklyn@gmail.com or at (718) 475-6779.